- Ali
Having been gluten free for a few years I’d pretty much got desserts down to a fine art but then I added being vegan and refined sugar free into the mix and the whole world changed.
I can quite see why restaurants serve fruit salad or sorbet as the vegan dessert option but honestly there are times when that just doesn’t cut it. For a special occasion I like to make something that has had some thought put into it and this salted caramel nut butter dessert is just that.
Layers of lusciousness that ooze luxury. It is super rich so you’ll only want a tiny slice which is probably for the best as it is nutrient dense and calorie dense too making it a divine treat pre New Year healthy living goals!
For the base
200g pitted dates
200g mixed nuts
100ml melted coconut oil
30g cocoa powder
For the caramel layer – centre
250g almond butter
100ml coconut oil
2 tablespoons maple syrup
1/8 tea spoon sea salt
200g macadamia nuts – soaked in warm filtered water for 1 – 2 hours then drained
For the chocolate topping
100ml coconut oil
1 tablespoon maple syrup
45g cocoa powder
Chopped nuts, fruit, lime zest etc to decorate
Line a 20” spring form cake tin with parchment paper and set aside. Check you have space to set this flat in the freezer after you have made each layer and if in doubt move a few things around.
For the base:
Blitz all the base ingredients together in a high powered food processer or nutri-bullet and press into a lined 20” spring form cake tin.
Place in the freezer until the topping is ready.
For the caramel topping:
Melt the almond butter, coconut oil, maple syrup and salt in a saucepan over a low heat. Do not allow it to boil. Allow to cool while you blitz the macadamia nuts in a high powered food processor. Pour the warm almond butter mixture into the nuts and mix to combine. Spoon on top of the bas and spread evenly to create a flat surface. Return to the freezer to set. About 1 -2 hours.
For the chocolate topping
Once the base is frozen make the topping. Melt the coconut oil and maple syrup in a saucepan over a low heat. Again, do not allow it to boil. Stir in the cocoa and continue to stir until you have removed any lumps and it has formed a thick chocolate sauce.
Remove the dessert from the freezer and pour the melted chocolate over the caramel layer. Reserve 2 - 3 tablespoons to drizzle down the sides. The dessert will be so cold from the freezer that the chocolate should set immediately. Remove the dessert from the spring form tin and remove the baking parchment. Place it on a plate and drizzle the retained chocolate down the edges to form drips.
Return to the freezer until you are ready to eat it. It will keep for several months frozen. Remove 1 – 2 hours before you serve it to allow the dessert to soften a little.
Decorate with chopped nut and a fruit, lime zest etc.