5 ways to transform your life today

  • Ali

I’ve been doing a bit of soul searching over the last 6 months. I’ve had many careers over the years but none has been as fulfilling as my health coaching and Arbonne business. So why have I been playing so small with it? 


As women I think we often play our lives down not wanting to stand out from the crowd, to look too big or act too proud. And yet here I am sitting on a business that is transforming lives, not only in terms of health and wellbeing, energy, sleep, relationships and happiness, but finances too. 


It’s time to stop playing so small and share this gift that I have. I love inspiring, motivating and encouraging others. I hope these 5 ways to change your life will encourage you to step into your greatness. There’s someone or something great in all of us, now’s the time to discover it in you.

1. Be Brave and check out the FIVE Second rule

 I first heard about the amazing motivational speaker Mel Robbins through my Arbonne business. I kept hearing people talk about her and this ‘5 second rule’ thing! You know,  when you hear about something, and it sounds amazing, but then you don't follow up with it and check it out and 5 seconds late its gone? 

I watched her TED talk and then I watched some more before getting her book on Audible (I love Audible!) When my team first started discussing this I was like ahhh I know what this is!!! But it wasn’t until the next day that I really got it. Wednesday is our team training night and it can often be a late one (we do like to party!) and Thursday is early morning yoga which starts at 7am. The alarm goes off at 6 and I don’t always book yoga as I know it’s never over subscribed so I can usually just turn up and still get a mat!  So I’m lying there thinking I could skip yoga, stay in my warm comfy bed when I remember Mel and her 5 second rule. So I try it. I say 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 in my head and swing my legs out of bed. That’s it. The cold air hits me an I’m wide awake and actually looking forward to yoga. 

So within a day of listening  to her audio I was applying her rule with success. What else could I 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 I thought? The list is endless from helping you study, or finish that book, to starting the housekeeping or walking the dog. 

Now you might try this and it might not work for you. Ummm, then the problem probably isn't the rule -  the problem is probably the fact you don't want to change or don’t feel strongly enough about the change. Just think about that. Mel Robbins said " The moment you have an instinct to act on a goal, you must physically move within 5 seconds or your brain will stop. 
5 ,4 ,3 ,2 ,1 . GO!!!"

2. Start Listening

My life would be a lot less interesting without Audible, the ‘sort of’ free app you subscribe to and which has thousands, possibly millions, of audio books to download. Where would I be without this, Podcasts, and CDs.

I start every day with a little bit of inspiration from Abraham Hicks and often something from Jake Ducey and Dr Wayne Dyer too! Just listening to a keynote speaker while you get ready in the morning is going to have a huge impact on your mood and how you start your day. I tend to listen to them whilst I am driving too because it helps clear my mind and focus my energy too.

3. 21 things you’re most proud of

As women we sometimes forget what an amazing life we’ve created for ourselves and those around us. We get caught up in the day to day hustle of just getting the kids up, dressed, fed and off to school without reminding ourselves what a  great job we’re doing. I laugh when I think back to how little knowledge I had of parenting when I gave birth to Miss H but 17 years on she still has all her fingers and toes – big tick in the achievement box I’d say! 

Sometimes we need to remind ourselves of this. Writing down as many things as you can that you’re proud of is one way of reminding yourself how amazing you are. I like to write down something for every year of my life. For me that’s 50 things I need  to come up with. Is it easier if you’re younger? Possibly not, but don’t get side-tracked by the number you need. Just get writing and write everything and anything that comes to mind. Your Grade 2 ballet exam, the first time you sang in a school show, your ability to ride a bicycle, the first time you made ‘edible’ chocolate brownies, your babies, your marriage, your GCSE, A level or Degree or all 3. Just get writing. Then reread your list every day for a month. Add to it and remember how amazing you are.

4. Don't compare your life to others

We all live on Social Media these days and it’s easy to look at the highlight reel of someone elses life and compare it to your life. Don’t. I heard Rachel Hollis, author of the book Girl Wash Your Face, amongst others,  speak at the Arbonne conference in Sept and she blew us all away. Her no nonsense approach to life is so refreshing and she said this. “Don’t compare your beginning to my middle.” We all have our own journeys to travel, we’ll all reach the right destination in the end. What’s important is that you enjoy the journey. An if you’re not enjoying the journey remember you’re not a tree. Your roots haven’t fixed you to the spot. Move. Go do something, train in something or start something else.    

5. Look up and see the sky

Have you ever crashed into someone because you’re walking and texting at the same time? Or said yes yes at the dinner table and then suddenly realised you have no idea what you’ve just agreed to as you were distracted by your phone? Stop now. Stop scrolling, texting and wasting energy.

Don’t get me wrong phones are amazing! The things you can do on them is amazing.  I couldn’t run my International Health Business without my phone, but I know how to put it down and look at the sky. I make time for me to do something nurturing for me every day whether that’s going to an inspiring women’s meeting or the gym, cooking a meal from scratch, walking the dog or just having coffee with a friend. I take the time to switch off from the world of social media and live in the world – I eerrrr…. live in. And you can too. It takes discipline at first but believe me it is so worth it. My online business has allowed me the flexibility to live this way. I’m building my dream, not working to build someone elses dream and I’m doing it my way. 

Only you can change your life, no one can do it for you but I hope this gives you the impetus to get started. 

If you’d like a chat about how I got started, and what my daily routine looks like, get in touch.