Imbolc Blessing

Create an Imbolc ritual
  • Ali

Embrace the magic of Imbolc! 

Did you know that as we bid farewell to winter and welcome the first hints of spring, ancient traditions come alive in the celebration of Imbolc? 

Also known as Candlemas, Imbolc marks the midpoint between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. It's a time to honour the goddess Brigid and welcome the growing light, symbolising the stirring of life beneath the frozen earth. To celebrate this I even picked a few snowdrops to grace our dining table this week.

Legend has it that Brigid, a Celtic goddess of fire, poetry, and healing, breathes life into the land, awakening it from its winter slumber. Imbolc celebrates the promise of renewal, inspiration, and the anticipation of the blooming season ahead.

So, let's weave our own tapestry of tradition! 

Light a candle to symbolise the returning sun, and take a moment to reflect on the intentions you wish to nurture this season.

Create a sacred space, perhaps with symbols of Brigid like a sheaf of wheat or a bowl of water, inviting her blessings into your life.

I’d love to know what Imbolc rituals you already have so drop me a message sharing yours and let’s inspire each other and create a virtual circle of light and intention!

Happy Imbolc, my Loves!