Why using cacao as part of meditation practice is good

at home cacao meditation
  • Ali

Cacao ceremonies have been part of our culture for centuries. A ritual seen as the ultimate heart-opener. In addition to being packed full of vitamins and minerals and neuro-transmitters that support dopamine and serotonin – our feel good hormones-, cacao increases blood flow to the brain which can help you to strengthen your awareness and focus, taking your meditation practice to another level.


It is said to help the body to heal, detoxify and to give your immune system a good boost. The experience of raw ceremonial chocolate can also assist in energetic healing and receiving clarity in the areas of love, purpose, intuitive abilities, career and personal growth.


I love to create an at home cacao ceremony that is nurturing and supportive of my mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing. For me it’s important to create a loving backdrop for my ceremony. So find a peaceful place for yourself, grab your head phones and make myself  comfortable with cushions, a blanket, a book to journal in, your favourite crystals, candles and smudge with sage or palo santo to get into the spirit and allow the cacao goddess to open her heart to you.


If you already have ceremonial cacao then join me in an at home cacao ceremony. If you've not yet tried cacao but would like too, here's my favourite ceremonial cacao supplier here in the UK, he does amazing bars of chocclate too. Once you have your cacao to hand create your own ceremonial cacao ceremony and embrace this amazing heart opening journey.  


I love to use cacao as part of my coaching sessions and know that we get to a much deeper place together. Often drinking cacao together will enable a much greater understanding of what’s holding us back to come forth, and for deep healing to begin. If you're interested in a coaching call and wouldliek to explore this then get in touch