Journaling prompts for the April New Moon

how to use the new moon to manifest
  • Ali

Each new moon begins a new cycle but the Aries New Moon that births on 1st April also heralds in the start of a new astrological year. When I was a garden designer I used to plant by the moon and as a health coach I’ve been working with the moon since I started working with Ceremonial Cacao in 2020, an amazing plant medicine that the ancients also worked with. They would also have worked with moon energy using it to express the seasons, time and planting their crops by it. I’m pretty new to astrology, other than knowing my own birth sign etc, but I think it’s a fascinating field and one I’m happily exploring. I‘m glad you are joining me for the journey.

So what of this new moon?

The energy surrounding the new moon in Aries is about initiation, manifestation, moving forward into something new. If you did the work around the March New Moon around release and letting go you will be ready to turn your dreams into reality. Using lunar energy to help you lt go is a great ritual to help shape your life. Perhaps you want to amplify what you already have in your life. Perhaps you want to set forth on a whole new path. Whatever your desire, this new moon will work with you to support you and make it happen.

We hear a lot spoken about people finding their purpose, fulfilling their purpose and living a purpose driven life etc but what does it really mean. Often we have ideas that it needs to be a grand gesture, changing the world or at least the community we are in. But it doesn’t need to be a big gesture. Your purpose may be to be the best mother for your kids right now. It may be to be a faithful friend to someone who is struggling. It may be that you have a business idea you want to get off the ground, a creative project you want to start work on or a charity you want to support. Wherever you are on this journey that is life, embrace it - you are exactly where you are meant to be.

Journaling Prompts to use with this new moon

This moon will help you to see and hear what your purpose is and what gifts and value you bring to the world. Use these prompts to help you.

  • I am happiest when I am…
  • I feel my most fulfilled when I am doing…
  • When I am surrounded by people I feel…
  • When I am out in nature I feel…
  • What makes you feel strong, healthy and provides you with a sense of vitality?
  • What makes you feel excited or adventurous?
  • My happy place is…
  • If I could create my perfect happy place it would look like this – describe it in detail, live it, breathe it in
  • When I experience success I feel… Think back to a time when you excelled at something, felt proud of your achievements or achieved success – how did it feel
  • One of the things holding me back from stepping into a new future is…

Pick up your pen and paper and start to journal.  Free write using a few of the journal prompts above. They will help you to align with your purpose and your values as well as pulling out some of your strengths.

You may find a theme coming through and that one element leads to more and more ideas that are aligned with the same theme. You may find that you have many different ideas. Don’t judge, just allow your pen to flow.

If you open a can of worms and want to discuss what your journaling means then please get in touch. I love to work with people to align their thinking and enable them to step into who they truly want to be.

One of the many elements of my Nourish the Women programme surrounds aligning yourself with your strengths, values and true purpose so you can unlock the compelling future you are meant to lead. To find out more about the 29 day programme, which includes daily exercises and weekly cacao ceremonies and sister circles read my blog on how to support your growth, or message to join my next programme which starts on Saturday 2 April.