- Ali
I’m excited to be writing this blog today as the New Moon in Gemini is birthed this very lunchtime here in the UK. For me New Moon energy can be a little dark and sometimes triggers negative thoughts but the energy surrounding this new moon feels slightly different. Do you feel it too?
Read on to find out why…
New Moon in Gemini
The New Moon in Gemini occurs when the sun sign is also in Gemini, during the end of May and at the beginning of June. Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury and the energy is both social and perceptive which for me is what’s making this new moon feel different I think. It’s also that I’ve been doing the work of eclipse season and working on my soul alignment so I’m heading in the right direction. My health and gut health coaching is changing lives one family at a time, my cacao ceremonies, meditations and sister circles are helping me connect with an amazing group of fellow soul searchers and my nourish the women programme is building inner confidence, strength and resilience in women around the world. I feel very blessed to be doing this work right now.
How This New Moon Feels
I’m finding this to be a highly sociable season and a perfect time to find kindred spirits to bounce ideas around with. This phase is all about communication, intellect and awareness as well as logic, reasoning, and creative expression.
This is a change maker moon – Gemini loves change.
The airy sign of Gemini is versatile, adaptable, curious and craves mental stimulation so it’s a great time for asking questions and gathering information to connect with your dream life. What is it that your soul really craves. Are you living in alignment with that dream or do you keep putting it off reasoning that when I have more time, more money, a better job or relationship I’ll focus on it then. That future day may never come, today is here, right now. Take action to make your dreams come true.
If you're new to this sort of spiritual work, or you’ve not been doing the work you may find you keep getting triggered by limited thinking, old beliefs coming up and self sabotage. Lean into this and bear witness to your thoughts. Where are you holding yourself back. What are you avoiding for fear of … failure, being too successful, shining brighter than your parents, siblings or friends. The list could go on and on right?
To help you asess what's going on and what's holding you back so that you can take action to move you forward, try journalling with this Gemnini new moon energy.
Journal prompts for this New Moon in Gemini:
What thoughts do I keep repeating to myself? Are they moving me closer to my desires or holding me static?
If I was living my dream life a year from now, what would it look like? Plan out your dream day, week or month. When do you get up, what do you eat, who are you surrounded by, what excites you, what makes you happy.
Is my inner chatter supportive of my dreams?
Am I using the power of conscious language to manifest my dream? What positive affirmations could I create to help me focus on what I want?
What 3 steps could I take this week to move me closer to living my dream life?
What is stopping me from taking any (or all) of these steps?
One of the things holding me back from stepping into a new future is…
How to take your journalling to the next level
I love to sit with my ceremonial cacao as I do these journaling exercises. It’s an amazing plant medicine that our ancestors also worked with and has become part of my daily life as well as my intuitive coaching sessions. Read more about it here
And if you want to try it for yourself get in touch to join one of my FREE Wednesday evening cacao ceremonies or join via the eventbrite link and buy your own ceremonial cacao from a trusted source at Forever Cacao.
Take action after journalling
If you've noticed some key areas where you are holding yourself back, playing small or feeling scared then joining my next Nourish the Women programme could help. One of the many elements of my Nourish the Women programme surrounds aligning yourself with your strengths, values and true purpose so you can unlock the compelling future you are meant to lead. To find out more about the 29 day programme, which includes daily rituals and weekly cacao ceremonies and sister circles, read my blog on how to support your growth, or message to join my next programme.