Silver Sisterhood – Women’s Circles – Finding your Voice

cacao ceremony
  • Ali

A special invitation to find your voice, to create your compelling future and celebrate the woman you are today.

An opportunity to remind yourself of your strengths and talents

A chance to remember and celebrate your past successes

The space to take the time to be grateful for all you have in your life

The ritual of meditation, journaling and affirmations

The last 18 months have seen a lot of soul searching for many of us, me included. Many times I’ve been brought to tears by the revelations I’ve unleashed. The strength I’ve come to see in myself and the future I’m calling in. This has resulted in the development of this 5 week programme – two intimate circles (max 8 women) of women are gathering right now for June - are you in?

What the Silver Sisterhood Programme offers

An opportunity to form a trusting relationship with yourself, to learn to love yourself again, to trust yourself again, and to lavish yourself with self care – in short to begin to worship yourself again

  • this is a gift to the younger you, the little girl or teen you used to be
  • it’s an invitation to honour the woman you are now – your strengths, your resilience, your achievements and your struggles
  • this is an open door to the woman you are yet to become, to show herself, to journey with her, to understand her and to create a compelling future alongside her
  • With each year that passes we blindly walk into a new phase of life – childhood to teens, work and child rearing, domesticity, caring for others, menopause and ageing

Walking blindly means continuing to walk with

  • past pain, wounds and resentment
  • holding back from stepping into the light believing ourselves too old, too small, too large or too frail
  • losing ourselves in being 'busy' and supporting others while we allow our own dreams and desires to fade

​This programme is designed to give meaning to your past, to make peace with it if you need to, to appreciate and honour the woman you are now and to create a compelling future that you can step into.

Over 29 days we’ll work together in a close-knit, confidential, sisterhood who will support you. We’ll sit in circle together, consume ceremonial cacao (or tea if you prefer) and support each others’ transformation.
This is a restorative journey, creating a sense of peace and calm. You will be witnessed in your growth and supported as you create your compelling future.

Perhaps you have never sat in circle with other women before. Perhaps you have never felt the depth of connection that sister circles can bring, or the clarity that drinking ceremonial cacao can foster. Perhaps now is the time to open yourself to these new experiences and join us on this remarkable journey. We start on Saturday June 12th  or Monday 21st June depending on whether meeting on weekends or week days works best for you. Both groups will run in parallel but are not interchangeable.


Online Ceremonies are: Wednesday evening 7.30 - 9.30pm GMT Octber 6 to November 7th or Saturday October 2 - Saturday Oct 30th 9.30 - 11.30am GMT


What’s involved and provided to support you?

​5 x Cacao Ceremonies in supportive sister circles – Saturday’s or Monday’s. Drinking Cacao together, sharing in complete confidence. A safe space to open up to what needs to be said about your past, about where you are in life right now and about what you hope to create in the future.

​Weekly meditation

Journal prompts to help with self discovery and alignment of future goals, plans or desires.

A 15 minute activity to focus you each day delivered into a private WhatsApp group that only you and the women in your circle will see

Daily activities will include things like;

Making peace with your younger self

Celebrating your strengths

Remembering your successes and how they have shaped you

Journaling on your core strengths and what lights you up

Uncovering your values and realising when you have accepted others’ values above yours

Gifting yourself the opportunity to get back into flow – to enjoy the pleasure of calling in a compelling future


We'll sit in ceremony together

You'll celebrate you – the beautiful, strong woman you are right now

You’ll light candles, whisper prayers, write letters that may never be sent

You’ll use your insights to start to create your compelling future

AND all in complete confidence with a supportive ‘sister circle’ surrounding you. This is deep work – opening your heart to self love, self care and healing!


Group support on-line​

​and the opportunity to continue to foster the friendships that have been developed as you sit in this special sister circle, long after our 29 days together have come to an end….

​This is a restorative journey, creating a sense of peace and calm. You will be witnessed in your growth and supported as you create your compelling future.




Message Ali via WhatsApp +447973843020 or email [email protected]. We can arrange a time to chat and book you on.