
After years of struggle with my health I found what worked for me and I want to share my experiences, recipes, helpful tips and even snippets from my day-to-day life in this blog.
what's preventing weight loss
  • Ali

Understanding your food philosophy

As Spring moves on and thoughts start to turn to Spring cleaning those areas in our homes we often neglect (under the bed, our makeup drawer, behind the fridge) it's a good time to do some spring cleaning of our thinking too. For instance if you know you're always starting things (decorating, knitting projects, books) but never actually finishing them what is that telling you? If you're looking to lose a little weight but telling yourself you've been here before and always fail, that's a message that might benefit from a spring clean too. So let's look at your food philosophy. Do you know what

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how to use the new moon to manifest
  • Ali

Journaling prompts for the April New Moon

Each new moon begins a new cycle but the Aries New Moon that births on 1st April also heralds in the start of a new astrological year. When I was a garden designer I used to plant by the moon and as a health coach I’ve been working with the moon since I started working with Ceremonial Cacao in 2020, an amazing plant medicine that the ancients also worked with. They would also have worked with moon energy using it to express the seasons, time and planting their crops by it. I’m pretty new to astrology, other than knowing my own birth sign etc, but I think it’s a fascinating field and one I’m

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how to support your personal growth
  • Ali

Celebrate International Women's Day

As we celebrate International Women's Day today, Tuesday 8 March, I’d love to invite you to celebrate you. Celebrate what you’ve achieved in life, the journey you’ve had and the amazing woman you are today. I know you might not be where you want to be, but each step is a movement and even when we feel like we are making no headway or falling back we are still exactly where we are meant to be. So celebrate by taking some time over the next few days to do something just for you - celebrate and honour yourself. Whatever you choose from getting up an hour earlier to meditate quietly before the

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how to use the energy of the march full moon
  • Ali

Journaling Prompts for the March Full Moon

This year, March's full Moon on March 18 occurs before the spring equinox which takes place on March 20, thus making the March Full Moon what is known as a Lenten Moon . It falls in what is traditionally known in the Christian calendar as Lent. April's full Moon (April 16, 2022) will be the first full Moon to occur after the spring equinox , and will therefore determine the date of Easter this year and means Easter will feel pretty late. The Worm Moon March’s full Moon goes by the name Worm Moon, which was originally thought to refer to the earthworms that appear as the soil warms up in spring

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new moon march 2022 rituals
  • Ali

How can I tap into the New Moon energy in March 2022

If you’ve been feeling the pull of empathy, loving thoughts and dreamy intentions then you’re attuned with the lunar energy that’s surrounding us right now. The new moon that births on Wednesday 2nd March falls in pisces season. Celebrating this new moon is a perfect way to kickstart another month and the spring season. Falling in the dreamy Pisces season it embodies your inner voice so tune into what your soul is telling you. This is a great time to visualise the life of your dreams. Don’t get lost in day dreaming, bring those dreams into reality by visualising what you want out of life and

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how to change career and feel aligned
  • Ali

How to support Your own Growth

Are you wondering what the next part of 2020 entails and trying to work out how you care for yourself, your family, your career and what makes your heart sing? I spent 2021 working on self love and coming to terms with past hurts and how they had defined me and the choices I’d made. I realised that many women are the same and often put self care on the back burner while they take care of everyone elses’ needs. Sound familiar? Nourish The Women Programme That’s why my Nourish the Women programme was born. This programme will take your self-love to the next level, taking you day by day through a

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